Yesterday I photographed the most beautiful pregnancy session for a little angel who will be brought to heaven in the next day or so. They have allowed me to share their story, in the hopes that it will help inspire others to consider photography when facing a similar situation. Photos can help with healing and grief; and also preserve the sweet memories, even if you’re not sure you’ll ever be able to look at them again (which you will, it may take time, but you will. You will be forever thankful to have the memories, even though in the moment of what is going on you may think you don’t want them).


I first met Ashley when I photographed Alli and Chad’s wedding a year ago, she was a bridesmaid in the wedding and was so very sweet. I remember her welcoming me into the bridal suite when I arrived and just being genuinely kind and caring to me and everyone else present. She contacted me about week ago asking if I would be willing to photograph her pregnancy. On New Years Eve they received the devastating news that their little girl was diagnosed in utero with bilateral multicystic kidney dysplasia. Sadly this is a diagnosis with a 0% chance of survival after birth. She wanted to do a Pregnancy Session because she felt that  it’s still important to honor her life as a real person and a beautiful angel that was wanted so badly. I was so very touched by the support of their siblings who came together to purchase the session for Ashley and Cory.

The necklace in the photos says “Mother of an angel”. Ashley is beginning the process of being induced today and is expected to delivery their baby in the next few days. I plan to be there for them at the birth to capture their few brief moments with their daughter before she passes onto heaven. I am so incredibly blessed to be able to do this for them and give them the gift of photos so they will forever have these memories of their beautiful daughter! Life is precious, live every moment!