LuLu Painting Project

I have had the pleasure of working with Alicia Danzig, owner of LuLu Painting , for over a year now! I met her at the Grand Opening of Brett Dorrian Aristry Studios (who is my makeup artist of choice for boudoir sessions!) in the Semple Mansion and we hit it off marvelously! She is an interior painter and ROCKS at what she does! I am honored to say that she has painted my home and it makes me feel SO warm and fuzzy…… I love being at home in all the fuzzy comfort of it!!

She is sending me into her clients homes and businesses to capture the work that she has done for her website and portfolio! She is an amazingly talented and beautiful person inside and out and I am so thankful to have her in my network of friends and talented people I work with!! LOVES!!!

Here is a sneak peek at a home in Minneapolis she recently painted! Isn’t the yellow color yummy?! The house looks AMAZING!!