This past weekend I had the absolute honor of volunteering my time and talents once again to Help Portrait. Help Portrait is a worldwide organization that helps families in need receive a professional portrait, this was the fourth year it has been held in Minneapolis, and my second year volunteering, my first year as a lead photographer.

In Minneapolis we were at three locations, I was volunteering at Mary’s Place, Caring & Sharing Hands. Our location alone provided: 385 people blessed. Yes, you read that right. 3 – 8 – 5 people. We had 10 Lead & Assistant Photographers, 7 documentary photogs/videographers and 23 assistants, greeters, runners, printer/burner/framers, & HMUAs, interpreter. This is a record number for Minneapolis and I am darn proud to have been a part of it.

The family I have featured here was one that deeply touched my heart. They had recently relocated to Minneapolis after the dad lost his job in Atlanta. They have never had a professional portrait taken before, and the little boy was SO super excited. When they saw the images on the computer the mom and dad were just speechless, mom had tears in her eyes as they picked out the 5 images that they would like printed out for them. After they were printed and framed, I talked with them a little bit more. They were SO totally and completely grateful for the gift of a portrait, it really touched me. They both hugged me and little guy gave me a high five. They told me that I totally made their Christmas this year, and that this portrait WAS their Christmas gift!! They couldn’t stop hugging and thanking me!! It really puts into perspective what an impact a photograph can have. This is an image they will cherish forever and ever, and I can’t help but smile knowing that I will always be a small piece of their beautiful family!!

I can’t wait for next year!!

“A picture is worth!”