Maggie’s Two Year Session

Little Miss Maggie came in last week for her two-year session . Two is called the Terrible Two’s for a reason, and this session proved no different!! It took us a solid 20 minutes or longer to get her to warm up enough to leave her daddy’s arms for 1 minute. I was about ready to reschedule the session, whe she gave me that window of 1 minute. That’s all I need ~ just one minute of laughing, giggling, and not running away from the camera and clinging to dad’s leg!! One minute is all I need to crank out a ton of great images!! and we sure got our one minute! we actually got two one-minute windows and it was fantastic!! She is an absolutely gorgeous little girl, and I knew that once we found that window of opportunity, the photos would be amazing, and that they ARE! Here is a sneak peek for you!!

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