I was contacted by Roshini Rajkumar to see if I was interested in being a source for an upcoming article she was writing for Twin Cities Business Magazine. She is a regular contributor to the magazine, and has also become a friend of mine over the year. (listen to my guest appearance on her WCCO radio show talking about Boudoir, I come on at the 15 minute mark: http://www.amyzellmer.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/6_20_13-Jordana-Green-Show_-9-PM-Hour.mp3)

She was writing a piece on professional business portraits, or headshots if you will. I offered her a few quotes as well as a few of my favorite recent headshots that I had taken of Laura Erdman-Luntz and Nicole Porter.  My favorite quote that she used is “Be authentic. Let your true essence show through in your photos.” I have been told numerous times by many clients that I have the ability to capture client’s true essence, and that is something that makes me proud! I know that I am doing my job when my clients feel that I really truly captured who they are and what they do!

To read the entire magazine online go here: http://www.pageturnpro.com/Twin-Cities-Business/60328-Twin-Cities-Business-September-2014/index.html#20

TCBmag Twin Cities Business Magazine Portrait headshot Custom Creations Photography Amy Zellmer Roshini Rajkumar Dani Werner