Viva Las Vegas!!

I will be out of the office until Thursday, October 22nd (in the afternoon).  I am going to be in Vegas photographing Christine and Tyrone’s wedding!! I am sorry that there won’t be any blog updates while I am gone because I am not going to have my laptop with me (I just know I won’t have any free time to use it LOL)!  Emily and Mandee will be in the office while I am gone M-F 10-4 p.m. so please call the office if you would like to schedule a session or have any questions: 952.233.2169.  Have a great week and I look forward to updating you with wedding pics on Thursday!! Be sure to add me on Facebook and/or Twitter to keep up-to-date on what is happening while I am in Vegas!!
~amy zellmer~photographic artist
custom creations photography