Website Update!

If you were trying to find my website and ended up here on my blog instead, it is because I have now started the process of creating a brand new website and it should be up and running by the end of the month!

 In the meantime, you may CLICK HERE to view the current (not so updated) website!! Or you may also visit my Facebook page to see what I am up to and view some photo albums.

I can’t wait for you to see what I have been working on! My current website just doesn’t reflect my personality, style, or studio at all.  The work on the site is at least a year or so old, and the layout is just plain ugly!  The new site is going to be classy, elegant, and user friendly with recent photos all taken within the last year! I can’t wait!!! Stay tuned!

In the meantime I am going to continue bumping this to the top of my blog, please SCROLL DOWN to view recent blog posts and stay up-to-date with what is going on at Custom Creations Photography!!