I had the honor and pleasure of being asked to come aboard as lead photographer for the Twin Cities Pride commitment ceremony booth this past weekend! A few months ago I was approached by a fellow photog to see if I would be interested knowing my passion for supporting Gay Marriage rights. It was an instant connection and something I knew I wanted to do ~ had to do ~ felt called to do.

I met with Simon Stromberg, fellow photog and volunteer of {MN LOVE} to coordinate details. I pulled in Julie Lyford of Fabulous Functions to help gather flowers, officiants, and anything else we might need. I asked a few of my photog friends to help with shooting the ceremonies and had an amazing crew with Liana Kvidera, Toni Johnson, and Shannon Erickson. I also give shout-outs to Christine and Patti who helped with administrative stuff at the booth!! We couldn’t have done it without all of you!! Thank you, each and every one, from the bottom of my heart!! I am so truly blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people 🙂

Over the weekend we photographed and united 19 amazing LGBT couples. It was so beautiful to witness, each couple was truly happy and in love. We heard some amazing stories and saw some fabulous outfits! We even had the pleasure of being crashed by the Drag Queen Brides Maids!!

This was my first experience attending Twin Cities Pride and it was truly amazing!! I am so proud of MN and truly believe we will be the first state the VOTE NO on the amendment this November!!